Porch Time

by | Apr 13, 2019 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

IMG_7402Rise early and praise the Lord!

My normal routine (work) does not allow me to sleep later than five a.m. On the rare occasions when I can sleep later, my body awakes at six, and I force myself to stay in bed until seven. On those days, I cherish my porch time.

IMG_7367I have a beautiful front porch with comfy chairs, potted geraniums, and a view of the woods. This is my go-to place in the morning. On my days off, it’s me, my kitten Scout, the occasional train, and the presence of God.

The forest releases the dew from the tall limbs, letting it fall like rain. Sometimes it does sound like a stream making its way to the creek. When I’m not captivated by the cracking of ancient limbs in the dense woods or a squirrel’s antics, I read. Always, in any season, I have hot tea, English breakfast for me. A cat or two curl up on a blanket in my lap. Need I say it? My porch is peaceful and inviting.

For an hour, I ban all worries and negatives. My mind is clear and sharp, listening to nature, yes, but also for that voice of guidance and purpose. I’m not naive enough to think I can keep the problems away forever. Life happens. Yet, here, on my porch, life is good and sweet and focused.

I hope you have a “porch”–a chair, a corner, a nook, a patio, a space–where it’s just you and God and peace, for the moment.


  1. Katie Gray

    Mama this is beautiful. I was translating it to Spanish and when I got to the description of the trees I just left it as it. So beautiful your description. I have finally, at 28 years old, taken this habit from you, however for me it is not 1 hour, it is 10 minutes. And instead of tea it is coffee. And my morning also includes Cats. And for those ten minutes I push every worry away and just live the moment. Love you.

    • margueriteg2016

      Oh my time is not for an hour on workdays! It is more like 15 minutes….I wish I had an hour every morning to read and write and study and pray! Not yet….


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