Reading is still alive!

by | May 9, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

IMG_7763 (2)I teach at an awesome public high school in Louisiana. Everyday I walk with a colleague by the English classrooms. This semester I have had the privilege of watching the students transform the hallway into an art gallery. Daily the images materialized bringing to life the books that the students have read.

Here are a few of the gorgeous, creative masterpieces. I’ve read most of the works, well all of them except I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Now when I think of them, I can visualize what the students depicted.

I’m encouraged that students in schools do read classics and modern literature. They add research, acting, projects, art, a variety of mediums in order to experience the words in new ways. I love it!

What things inspire you to read?


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