
by | Aug 17, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

IMG_2127Even the mountains praise Him…The rocks cry out…The lilies are clothed in splendor. And then there are butterflies. What a colorful array of floating beauty—majestic in design and flight.

My favorite word in Spanish is mariposa. It means butterfly. It is so pretty in the language that Mariposa is a name for a girl. Rolling the “r” makes it more beautiful to the ears. The French has an awesome word too—papillon.

Butterflies conjure up images of beauty. This year I planted zinnias and milkweed to entice these busy beauties to flutter around my yard. I haven’t yet learned the names of the different kinds, yet I’m in awe of the individual patterns and colors. I’m mesmerized by the total experience as the God’s creation seeks out the colorful flowers containing the nectar of life.

Enjoy the designs and beauty…I sure do.



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