Sale–Hold Me Close eBook!

by | Sep 26, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Hold Me Close ebook saleHey readers! I am so exited about this great news. My book Hold Me Close, Book One in the Revolutionary Faith series, is being featured in the International BookBub email blast. This means the book is just $.99 from September 26-30. If you have friends outside the US who you think would enjoy a fictional account of why the American colonies chose to break from England, please share this with them! It’s a rare price reduction, and I wouldn’t want anyone to miss out!

Oh, more great news! At the same time to celebrate this exciting sale, Hold Me Close is also available for our US readers for just $.99. How awesome is that? If you’ve wanted to read this book, now is your chance.

Purchase Hold Me Close here!

Please share with your friends over the next few days. Offer ends after September 30.

I would love for you to leave a review of Hold Me Close on Amazon.

Happy Reading my friends……


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