Lucy’s Story with Pre-order

by | Oct 8, 2020 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

With my Revolutionary Faith Series coming to an end, I find there are so many characters with their own stories. Jeannette’s story was at the end of Draw Me to Your Side. I’ve even written her into another novel set in France. I’ve written Tom’s short story. George deserves one too.

For my last book in Revolutionary Faith, Wait for Me, I’ve included Lucy March’s story. Remember her? She is Elizabeth’s cousin who lives in the back country outside of Charles Town with her family. Did she always live there? What did she think of life on a farm? Who was Clifford March? Of course, she deserves more than a short story.

You can read about Lucy in Adventure’s Cost. You receive it as an eBook bonus if you pre-order Wait for Me from Celebrate Lit. It will be sent on release day, February 9, 2021. The print format will also have Lucy’s story at the end.

Adventure’s Cost even gets its own cover. Isn’t she lovely? Thanks again to Roseanna White for her awesome artistic cover.

I appreciate your anticipation with me! Four months and counting.

1 Comment

  1. Katie Gray

    What a great idea! I loved reading Jeanette’s story and I am waiting for Lucy’s. So excited for the final book of this amazing series!!! So proud of you!


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