December Giveaway

by | Dec 1, 2020 | Uncategorized | 28 comments

We’ve made it to the joyful Christmas Season. I hope you and yours are counting your blessings as you concentrate on those things that matter most. May God be in the middle of it all, the focus of all your celebrations.

I’m giving away a print copy of Bring Me Near by me and one of All That Glitters by Jennifer Sienes to US residents. Please comment in order to enter for your chance to win one of the books.

What traditions do you plan to include this year in your celebrations? Or perhaps share a favorite recipe or treat? Or a gift idea?


  1. Lelia “ Lucy” Reynolds

    I carried on the tradition of making my moms white fruit cake yesterday. I pray the church still has Christmas Eve candle light service so we can attend and that mom would be well enough to go. Blessings

    • margueriteg2016

      I make sugar cookies from my grandmother’s recipe.

  2. Darlene Owen

    This years tradition will be all new for us. Being as I can’t go shopping I will be purchasing alot of my presents online or I will be giving gift cards.

  3. Carrie Swanson

    Our tradition is to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. Praying that this will happen this year.

  4. Melissa Andres

    Our Christmas will be quite quiet this year. All our regular parties have been canceled, so we’re going to enjoy being together as a family. Cozy nights with Christmas lights and cookies!

  5. Abigail | Rejoice In Reading

    I love those covers! We recently went out to look at Christmas lights and that’s really the only thing we do yearly.

  6. anxious58

    No traditions but new authors for me.

  7. Paula Shreckhise

    I have a tradition for my grandkids. I hand make ornaments for each of them. This year I am making small gnomes. Our ladies craft group at church made them last year. We were ahead of the trend.
    Our tradition of a Christmas Eve candlelight service may not happen this year.

  8. Lynn Brown

    I will probably help my mom do some baking as best as we can. I always wear a mask around her because of risk factors so it might not be as much as usual years.

  9. Roxanne C.

    My daughter and I have officially started to listen to Christmas music which is her favorite part of the season. I plan to reinstate an older tradition of reading Christmas stories to her, and I will help her make a Christmas gift for he grandma.

  10. Debra J Pruss

    We have always baked as a family. This year, we will not be able to do so with my Mom now in a hospital and then being moved to a rehab facility. My husband and I will do some baking, but on a smaller scale.

  11. Crystal

    Both of these books looks like fantastic reads. Would love to read and review books in print format. I read one of your other books and it was fantastic.
    Some traditions I will be planning to add in my celebrations this are: celebrating Jesus’ Birthday and being joyous about it, Making Christmas cookies with Mom and Dad and a tradition I started and that was their Christmas gifts from Omaha Steaks, Other traditions I plan to celebrate this is singing Happy Birthday to Jesus for His Birthday. Also, my favorite treat is pretty much almost anything considered junk food.
    Thanks for chance to win.
    Hope I Win.

    • margueriteg2016

      Thank you for sharing. I love family traditions. My tree goes up tonight….

  12. Debra Guyette

    I will do some baking and help with the grandson

  13. RD

    Nothing at all special is planned for this year. It will be a quiet one.

  14. Morgan

    I celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day with my family and then we have a huge get-to-gether at our grandparents. The best part is baking with friends and family, i love the smell of baking cookies!!!!

  15. Katie Gray

    I have yet to read a Christmas book this year so I hope to be able to read this one you are giving away!!! This year I will try to bake my grandmothers chocolate treats called Lincoln logs. And I will make my mamas holiday cookies!

  16. Candie L

    Now that the boys are getting older, we really like the idea of going on a major vacation every year during Christmas

    • margueriteg2016

      Candie, you are the winner of Bring Me Near. Please email me your physical address. Congratulations and enjoy!

  17. Alison Almquist

    I Make sugar cookies with my kids.

    • margueriteg2016

      Alison, you are the winner of All That Glitters. How cute that the cover has cookies on it! Congratulations and enjoy. Please email me your physical address.

  18. beth shepherd

    Thank you for the chance!

  19. Hesper Fry

    My tradition is to make Vanilla butter sugar cookies with frosting with my 2 daughters. We have so much fun and the cookies taste so good!

  20. Beverly Metcalf

    We always make lots of Christmas cookies and fudge, just like Mom used to Thanks for having the contest. Love your books!

  21. Betty Curran

    We aren’t celebrating any of our usual traditions as some family members have been exposed to the virus and we are trying to protect our elderly members.

  22. Betty Curran

    We aren’t celebrating any of our usual traditions this year. Some family members have been exposed to the virus and we are trying to protect our elderly members.


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