Multi-Author Giveaway: We Love Our Readers

by | Feb 14, 2021 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Hello Readers!

 We appreciate you all so much and wanted to do something special for you so I have teamed up with Celebrate Lit to do a special giveaway!

We want you to have a chance to win 40+ books or a $500 Amazon card to buy a ton of books yourself in Celebrate Lit’s We Love our Readers Giveaway! Notice I have two books in the giveaway! For the first time ever–Wait for Me, Book Five in the Revolutionary Faith Series and Surround Me, Book Two!

Click here to enter:

The event and giveaway is going on now through February 20.

Good luck and happy reading. Be sure to comment here and enter with the link above.


  1. Andrea Stoeckel

    Filled out as many as I could before I got tired 😉

  2. Katie Gray

    How exciting! Looking forward to winning wonderful books!!!! You have the best recommendations and I am loving your book 5 reading it right now!


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Entertain. Encourage. Educate. My motto encompasses what I hope to pass on to my readers through my novels and those of other authors. Thank you for joining me on this journey.



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