Because Fiction Magazine and Giveaways

by | Mar 28, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

#BecauseFiction March Magazine is here!Check out articles from your favorite Christian authors such as Lena Nelson Dooley, Katherine Scott Jones, Marguerite Gray, and Liz Tolsma, and enter a bunch of giveaways for some fun prizes!Enjoy!

I have an article featured in the Magazine and a giveaway! Please share the link with your friends.

March 2021 Featured Article by Marguerite Gray

The Surprises on Bookshelves

What books are on your bookshelves? How do you organize your books? If I close my eyes, I imagine my ideal personal library: ceiling to floor bookshelves on all walls in a library with a rolling ladder like in Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.” A true fairytale dream! What surprises I would find there! But even with my shelves I’m surrounded by special, sweet, surprises every day… (read more by following the links)

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