Thin Places

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

I read in a devotional recently about “thin places.” I like the wording of this phenomenon when I can almost reach out and touch the face of God. Of course, we cannot do that literally, but we can have the sense of God so near. And He is near, for with the belief of Him residing in a believer’s heart puts Him right there. Yet, there are times when an experience is so amazing that there is an overwhelming sense of Him being close. In these thin places, the separation between heaven and earth seems to grow a bit thinner.

“For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” Psalm 57:10

Sometimes those experiences are in nature or simplicity. Here are a few of the thin places I have experienced:

  • A sunset
  • Beauty of flowers
  • Children and innocence
  • Animals and their faithfulness
  • Arms of a loved one
  • Meditation in silence of nature
  • Scripture
  • Love
  • Gardens
  • Walks

See if you can add to the list. Do you ever sense that thin place that puts you so near to God?

I yearn for more of the thin places especially in the thick of the battle.


  1. Charlotte


  2. Katie Gray

    Beautiful! When I see my child smile or when he hugs me, those are my thin places. 🙂


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