
by | Mar 3, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25

A few words have surfaced at the beginning of this Lent Season: Renew and Refresh. In these weeks before Easter, I yearn for an opportunity to experience a new start. My mind and body are longing for refreshment that only God can give. I’m ready to be recharged.
For some reason my battery is exhausted. I admit I’ve allowed stress to overwhelm me. Isn’t it easy to keep running and doing and stressing? I run so much I need a hard stop. With God’s direction I’m going to plug into a time of rest and renewal.
How can I refresh and renew myself?
I have some ideas, ones I will implement over the next few weeks.
  • Unplug for longer periods—phone, computer, iPad, TV
  • Reading for longer spurts—Bible, novels
  • Finish a book—instead of 10 pages why not 50 pages at a time
  • Hot tea—with my reading
  • Walk in the woods with Tully (my dog)
  • Eat with friends—for a few hours, relaxing
  • Pray—at all times
Why do I have to hit a wall before I seek my options for renewal?

How do you renew, refresh, and recharge?




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Entertain. Encourage. Educate. My motto encompasses what I hope to pass on to my readers through my novels and those of other authors. Thank you for joining me on this journey.



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