My First Reading Day

by | Mar 17, 2022 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

I’m supper excited about this Saturday. And you ask why? I am having my first (ever?) reading day.

Recently, I put a question on social media: “Have you ever spent a whole day reading?”

Have you?

Well, I read the suggestions and decided on a few I can maneuver into my full schedule.

One friend suggested: Take one day a month and set it aside just for reading. Awesome!

But I know me. I’m a list maker. I always, even on the weekends, have a list of things to accomplish. How can I discard all of these times?

Here is my plan for Saturday: 1) make a list. Put reading goals on it. ONLY! That means no writing, social media, grading, or household goals for 6-8 hours. 2) Find different places to read—porch, deck, favorite chair… 3) Relax and truly enjoy reading for more than 15-30 minutes at a time.

I’ll let you know how it goes. I plan to do this once a month.

The other major suggestion: Read on the plane while traveling. I’m traveling to Peru next week. I’ll for sure spend hours reading on planes, trains, and buses.

Thank you, readers, for your suggestions.

Happy Reading!


  1. Carole Johnson

    I haven’t had a full day of reading since the last time I was too sick to get off my sofa! That’s been about two years ago. Hope you enjoy yours!

  2. Marguerite

    Oh, I will! I really don’t know if I’m capable…but I do want to try. I could finish reading three books!


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