Packing Strategy

by | May 5, 2022 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

Do you like to travel? Oh, I do. My husband attempts to “ground” me from too many trips. But after many years together, I listen and then plan anyway. Did I tell you I’m leaving in a week or so for Scotland and England with two author friends? They are awesome packers, so I’m learning some strategies from the pros.

The first big hurdle for me has been dumping the large suitcase. No more checking baggage. I purchased a carry-on suitcase that seems so tiny. Recently, I traveled to Peru with my husband. We tested the carry-ons, and you know what? We survived and loved avoiding baggage claim after a long flight.

When traveling overseas, I have a list of essentials just to make sure I’m not caught without my favorites. Peru is different from Britain. I feel I could find exactly what I need in the shopping markets in Britain.

But I take a selection of snacks—crackers, trail mix, sour gummies. Long hikes, plane and train rides, and late-night munchies call for a few comfort items from home.

My friends have taught me what clothing to pack. Having a washer/dryer on our three-week journey really helps in the selection of very few items. To tell the truth, I will never take a large suitcase again on a flight. I can do this!

Finally, my favorite items—a huge must-have—books and writing stuff. Probably the most difficult decisions are made here. I have to have a print book (but not three or four.) My eBook library is fully stocked. I will be writing a short story on the trip—paper and pens on the list.

Ready. Set. Go.

Do you have any packing strategies?  

1 Comment

  1. Carole Johnson

    Love the post! Packing is a daunting task, especially for a three week trip. I’m looking forward to it!

    The best tip is not to stress! Just weed out the non-essentials you may purchase during your trip.

    Happy travels!


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