I have been so pleased with my website. Thank you all for dropping by on occasion. This is the place where I share about my writing experience, my books, reviews of books that I find appealing and worthwhile, travels, front porch time, pictures, research, and life.
Please share my website link with your friends. www.margueritemartingray.blog
I also have a quarterly newsletter Sylvan Reads: http://eepurl.com/gF-3I1
Also, please follow me on BookBub. I’m aiming for 1,000 followers to release some great deals. https://www.bookbub.com/authors/marguerite-martin-gray
I have all five of my Revolutionary Faith Series novels published with Celebrate Lit: Hold Me Close, Surround Me, Bring Me Near, Draw Me to Your Side, and Wait for Me.
Research is in process for my next novels. I have written the first two novels in Gardens of Time: Labor of Love and Promise of Purity. In the meanwhile, I’m reading lots of good novels. My Goodreads goal for the year is 140 books.
My work in progress is Whispers of Wisdom taking place at Chateau Chenonceau in France (above.)
I would love to hear from you. I post a weekly blog with interesting tidbits about research, history, and books.
What are you reading? Any plans for the near future?