Whispers of Wisdom

Book Three of Gardens in Time

Time: 1747

Setting: France

Released February 13, 2024

Nicole wanders the ancient halls of Château Chenonceau, stirring up whispers from the secrets of a queen.

Craving the wisdom of the philosophers of the day, Nicole straddles the line between servant and high society. Will acting as one of higher status bring her closer to her dreams? Perhaps not, but a treasure hunt with the knight in the tower might fulfill her longing for a while.

Pierre would avoid the senseless salons full of manmade wisdom, throwing every pamphlet aside. Yet, he journeys to Chenonceau to glean knowledge from the estate manager. His goal reaches beyond the glittery, false, societal affairs to the fields of wheat, vineyards, and orchards. No fairy tales or treasure hunts for him. Not until his encounters with Nicole invade his practical world.

Whispers and secrets conjure a treasure hunt, involving the heart as well as the mind.

Whispers of Wisdom Quotes

Research for Whispers of Wisdom:

Chenonceau Château is my favorite place on earth. I fell in love with it as a child and returned six times as an adult. It is called a petit château for its small size and Château des Dames, Ladies’ Château, since it has been owned by powerful women.

The château and gardens are in the Loire Valley in France along the Cher River. The château spans the river, adding a magical fairytale element. Queens and mistresses have breathed life into the quaint residence. The ornamental gardens of Catherine and Diane face the château. The property hosts many vegetable and flower gardens, orchards, and a working farm, even today.

Nicole, the heroine of Whispers of Wisdom, has a special role in the château and gardens. Even though she is the daughter of the head gardener, she has the opportunity to be educated with the owner’s son. She spends time in the château arranging flowers and participating in the salons and entertainment.

Enjoy the journey!

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