Waving in Memorial Day

Waving in Memorial Day

I consider it an honor to place American flags on the gravesites of our veterans in our small, local cemetery. As I place them five a day for a week, I pause to watch the red, white, and blue flags wave across the grounds. It’s a special time. I know very few of the...
Veterans Day Flags Wave Again

Veterans Day Flags Wave Again

I live close to our small-town cemetery established in 1884. Somehow, I ended up on the cemetery board. I have found my niche and my yearly project to promote our little cemetery and beautify the area. In May I place 40 flags on the gravesites of our Veterans. They...
Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day has become very special to me. Since I’ve been a member of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), I have appreciated the role of remembering all those who fought for my freedom. I’m thankful for them and the ones who continue to face the barriers of...


The first time I really understood branding involved a new image campaign at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas. I worked in the library and the new branding concept floated around in snippets from professors, employees, students, and alumni. Everyone was...
Memorial Day

Memorial Day

As you are facing Memorial Day, remembering the ones who fought for our freedom, I am in England remembering also. Many British soldiers lost their lives, too, for the same cause in some of the same wars. Before I left, I put out 39 flags on the graves of soldiers in...