Revolutionary Events

Revolutionary Events

What do you think about on July 4? Family. Watermelon. Hamburgers. Flags. I add to that our rich history and heritage of people who gave their former way of life for one with great potential for freedom. Not a perfect place, but one they supported with their lives and...

Freedom Post #4

How appropriate that Freedom Post #4 on July 4 corresponds to Book four, Draw Me to Your Side, 1776! The citizens are in the throws of war as their daily lives are disrupted with a real fear and sense of uncertain outcome. Within the chaos exists the organized...

Road to Independence

Happy 4th of July! I have grown to appreciate this celebration. It is more than independence from the rule of another nation. Wrapped up in the meaning is pride in my country and my fellow countrymen. I do remember when I understood or began to understand the love I...