
It’s summer, and I am carving out lots of time to read. What about you? I grab an iced tea and hit the deck with a book. Here is my present list of books at various stages of completeness: Hold Me Close—I’m rereading my first novel for a book club talk! It’s so good...

My Spring Reads

My stack of books is never ending, and I love it! I’d love to know what you are reading. Here are the next six books in my pile. Perhaps, you have read them. The first is Timeless Treasure by MaryLu Tyndall. I love split time novels. This one has a pirate treasure, a...

Decorate with Books

I’m doing something I never thought I’d do. My husband and I own and run three Airbnb properties. My son told me five months ago, “Just try it, Mom. You might find you enjoy dealing with the different guests. You might even see it as a way to help during this time.”...