We all have a lot going on this month. I hope you can find some time to relax and pick up a book. I have a suggestion–Hold Me Close. With the release of Bring Me Near is a few weeks, now might be the time to read Book One in the Revolutionary Faith series. The journey in 1772 Charles Town, South Carolina is an adventure that poses many questions about loyalty, comfort, conformity, dreams, and hopes. Order your copy today and begin the journey with Louis Lestarjette and Elizabeth Elliott.
Opening paragraph:
Louis Lestarjette stepped off the ramp onto dry land after weeks on the Sainte Claire. A line of carriages awaited weary travelers on the other side of the dusty boulevard. But none were waiting for Louis. With his luggage stored for the day at the dock, he set out with an address in hand. As he headed down Bay Street toward Church Street, he tried to adjust his legs from the rolling ship’s deck to dry land.
Also, I have a giveaway opportunity on Goodreads. Enter for your chance to win one of five print copies of Hold Me Close. If you know someone who might like the book, please share the giveaway and my website.
Have you read Hold Me Close?
Have a great weekend!