Beginnings…Part Two

by | Jul 19, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

IMG_0336…remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father…                                   Thessalonians 1:3

Beginning can be a commencement of something new or different, a complete break from the norm like the beginning of summer or a new job. But sometimes, beginnings are a pause as you reevaluate your position in life. I like these moments for I allow myself to adjust some items that might be causing me to feel smothered or unproductive. I will admit stopping or quitting are not normally a part of my personality. Ask my children remembering when I encouraged them to finish what they committed to until the end. No, quit is not a word I employ often.

IMG_8778Yet, there is a time to reset which might involve a pause in the journey. During this time, I tend to reevaluate my situation. This could involve my words, my actions, my thoughts, asking if they are on track to complete my purpose. After the evaluation, I continue in whatever direction this time of reflection and prayer advises. It could mean starting over, but most likely it shifts my emphasis to realign me to what God wants me to do. Usually, I’ve asked many questions during this interim period, receiving the “yes,” “no,” or “wait” answers.

Surround Me front (1)In my novel Surround Me (Surround Me Link), Book Two in the Revolutionary Faith series , Louis faces a beginning with questions that second-guess his choices.

Bordeaux, France

June 1773

His hands tightly gripped the railing, turning his knuckles a startling white compared to his wind-chapped and tanned skin. The pressure in his grasp mimicked the turmoil in his head. Louis Lestarjette’s gaze lifted to a sea o deep-blue waves. Charles Town and any semblance of land had disappeared weeks ago. Why the upheaval now when he had already had weeks to prepare for his journey and his family reunion? Could a prodigal son truly go back home? How would he be received? The same questions rolled over and over in his head.

If he had made a mistake, he would never forgive himself. All the what-ifs jumbled in his mind, tumbling into compartments he thought he’d closed in order to keep away doubts and insecurities. Where was the peace he had claimed? The voyage was a necessity for business, for the colony of South Carolina, and for his family. He had determined even after the first five weeks on the ocean that his love for Elizabeth Elliott would only increase with time.


Time–have you ever been given a long period of time to make a decision? I try to grab or schedule time to evaluate my current direction.



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