Beginnings…Part Three

by | Jul 28, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

IMG_0533Saying goodbye is in fact facing a beginning. You can say adios to friends and family as well as jobs, residences, seasons, and vacation. Of course, there are big events when children leave home, loved ones die, youth flees along with health. Yet, these events are replaced with something, perhaps a new beginning.

IMG_0680I recently returned from a very awesome sojourn to Switzerland. The majestic mountains and cool weather rejuvenated my senses and my energy for a short period of time. It’s always nice to say hello to vacation, the planning being a huge part of the anticipation and actual journey. Colors are brighter; smiles are larger; attitudes are transformed. Yes, vacations tend to release negative energy and vibes.

VUQV0631Those events whether a vacation or a move or a change of jobs have the inevitable end and the facing of reality.  That is where I am right now. Summer is coming to a quick halt as the first day of school hangs just a week away. My new beginning, full of anticipation is preceded by a few months of leisure and rest. Who am I to complain! Life is full of these moments between seasons.

The hero in Book Three of Revolutionary Faith, Bring Me Near (Amazon link), faces decisions and an ominous new event:

Charles Town, South Carolina–December 31, 1774

Louis Lestarjette paused with his hands on the hard cherry-wood armoire doors, depending on the strength of the massive piece of furniture to hold him upright. The slight pounding of a headache reminded him of the task before him.

Meet at the Exchange at eleven.

He was to come alone. The note had not been signed. Christopher Gadsden, his friend and business partner, had told him he’d receive an opportunity to help the cause. Since he trusted Christopher, he did not second-guess whether he should meet tonight. Nothing could keep him away. He needed to know how to protect Elizabeth from the turmoil brewing…. 

IMG_1023What are you saying goodbye to right now? What beginning are you anticipating? 


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