Merry Christmas!
“Mary kept these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19
I’ve attached myself to this verse and the word “ponder.” It makes me ask what I ponder in my heart. Also, what does ponder mean? Before, I look it up, I want to explore my definition: to ponder–to think about often, to keep safe, to treasure, to meditate on, to hold close. Are there things that I treat this way? Quite a few. The Miriam-Webster definition is: to weigh in the mind, to appraise, to think about, to reflect on, to consider quietly, soberly, deeply.
So many things I give too much thought to. I ponder too long on things that are not important. Since this verse has entered my thoughts this season, I want to make sure the things I ponder–the things I consider quietly, soberly, deeply or hold close–merit my time and reflection. For me those things revolve around my journey with Christ and include my family and friends, and my purpose and place in this very big world.
What things do you ponder?
Love those thoughts Marguerite! I will be more aware now of things I ponder in my heart.
Love you, Merry Christmas!
On Thu, Dec 19, 2019, 5:45 PM Connect in Fiction with Marguerite Gray wrote:
> margueriteg2016 posted: “Merry Christmas! “Mary kept these things and > pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19 I’ve attached myself to this verse > and the word “ponder.” It makes me ask what I ponder in my heart. Also, > what does ponder mean? Before, I look it up, I want to explore” >