Late Summer TBR List

by | Aug 13, 2020 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

IMG_7265So excited about the next books I’m going to read. When I share my To Be Read list, it only includes print copies that I physically stack on my book shelf. I also tackle eBooks and Audible editions. Take a look at what I have picked out for August and September.

The House at the End of the Moor by Michelle Griep takes the reader to 1861 to the moors of Dartmoor, England where life is rough and lonesome. I’m loving the Jane Eyre-like  feel. My daughter gave me the first book of The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer. I’m enjoying the new twist on fairy tales! Thanks, Katie!

Lady Airell’s Choice by Rachel Skatvold sweeps the reader to the 12th century for a medieval romance. Always a draw for me.  Then, I’m back to a novel by Syrie James, The Missing Manuscript of Jane Austen. I loved the first one, The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen, so I’m sure this one will be awesome.

A new author to me, Marisa Dillon, has a novella, The Lady of the Garter, set in 1486 England during the reign of Henry VII.  Sunset in Old Savannah by Mary Ellis is a must after I read her first one in the Secrets of the South Mysteries. This is a contemporary detective kind of novel.

Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments doesn’t fit in with what I usually read. But I am curious after I read The Handmaid’s Tale. I’m prepared to be disturbed.  I found The Marquis’ Secret (1877) by George MacDonald on a giveaway shelf. I studied the author’s work in graduate school and decided I have to add this to my studies.

Finally, I’ve another novel by Roseanna White, On Wings of Devotion, 1918 England, to read. She is always a delight. And my last selection is Waverly by Sir Walter Scott, published in 1814, is suggested in books that I read about that period. The characters are reading this novel so I’m joining them.

There is my list! Whew! What are you reading? Do any of these sound interesting?


  1. Katie Gray

    Wow! I do wish I could read as much as you do! You inspire me to read more! I am reading the last book in the Land of Stories series. I have loved this YA series so much! Then I will read An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, to gain some perrspective, inspired by a conversation with you.

  2. margueriteg2016

    Hey! I’m reading the Land of Stories Book One right now….wow….I’m having a hard time putting it down. Luckily I’m on vacation now and can read a bit!


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