Newsletter–Vol. 3 to release tomorrow

by | May 31, 2021 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

My quarterly newsletter Sylvan Reads is scheduled to send on June 1! I don’t want you to miss the news and free short story and devotional.

If you haven’t signed up, here is the link:

Please sign up so you don’t miss any news. Only 4 times a year (unless I have a book release!)

Thank you for supporting my writing and musings.

There is a free devotional in this one that goes along with the series.

When you sign up, there is a free short story for you.

The link once again:


  1. Katie Gray

    Oh how exciting! I really enjoy your short stories!

  2. Oakman



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Welcome to my blog, Sylvan Musings, where I share insight and updates of my writing journey, inspiration, and tidbits about life as well as new releases and works in progress information, and more.

Entertain. Encourage. Educate. My motto encompasses what I hope to pass on to my readers through my novels and those of other authors. Thank you for joining me on this journey.



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