The old, godly way

by | Oct 7, 2021 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

While reading yesterday, this verse from Jeremiah reached me in a way I really needed. A place of confusion and questions. In need of direction, these words resonated and rested where I could understand and utilize them right away.

The Lord says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.” –Jeremiah 6:16

How often am I, and possibly you, at a crossroads? My tendency is to not pause and look around, but I want to race in the direction I think is best—the easiest, the shortest, the cheapest, the friendliest. The one with the least resistance.

These words encourage me to halt, to rest, to look, to study. At that point I shall see the old, godly way. This way is proven and stamped by God as the perfect way for me. I’m not a trailblazer, nor am I a stoic follower without contemplation. But many times, I just take off and do things. And I’m tired along the journey.

But, look what God promises: Rest for your souls. When I have traveled the road planned for me, I can enjoy and relax in its purpose. I want this to be my goal for this season of my life—well, for all the seasons God gives me.

Stop, look, ask and walk! Great advice!  


  1. Paula Shreckhise

    Thankyou for a great post. Words to ponder.
    God wants what is best for us. Then we can rest in Him!

  2. Kitty Garley

    Amen! I do too. Have a blessed weekend.

    On Thu, Oct 7, 2021, 3:10 PM Connect in Fiction with Marguerite Gray wrote:

    > margueriteg2016 posted: ” While reading yesterday, this verse from > Jeremiah reached me in a way I really needed. A place of confusion and > questions. In need of direction, these words resonated and rested where I > could understand and utilize them right away. The Lord sa” >

  3. Katie Gray

    How beautiful, thank you. Your words filled me with peace and the images really add to that.


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