Results of My Retreat

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I’ve been back from my personal retreat for five days. My cabin in the woods by a lake still flutters across my mind in the early hours of the day. Can I hear the water or see the trees sway? It was needed and so very inspiring.

And very productive. The purpose involved hours and hours of writing time without the interruptions of homelife. I did not cook or clean or wash or walk my dog (I did miss that) or do my other two jobs—teaching and the library.

I wrote words, lots of words, for a new novel set in the South Pacific. I had a YouTube segment in the background of South Pacific Islands as added inspiration. In 45 minute time section, I wrote. Then I would walk to the water or hike a bit. For three days I enjoyed the quiet scenery and aloneness—my pen, my notes, and my notepad.  

What did I accomplish?

  1. I wrote 10,000 words of Room for Love. That leaves 40,000 more! What a nice start!
  2. Time to read.
  3. Long hikes in a beautiful park.

I’m ready to change a few things at home—carve out that time to be creative, away from the draw of social media and chores.

Have you ever gone away by yourself? Did you accomplish anything you’d like to share?


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