Attic Treasures

by | Nov 10, 2022 | Uncategorized | 7 comments

My parents have a huge attic that has housed all our childhood/youth stuff for so many years. I am one of four sisters. Imagine, if you can, four girls with their cherished items accumulating for forty plus years, including wedding presents that didn’t make the voyage to our houses for some reason. In this attic, treasures from the previous owners all the way back to 1848 rest in once organized avenues of boxes and chests.

The paths in the attic became overrun with boxes of letters, photos, clothes, toys, and china. What needed to be done, no one wanted to do. But this week, the day arrived for the process to begin. Project Reclaim Sanity! My parents, one sister, and I tackled the impossible. Our motto: What comes down from the attic cannot go back up to the attic. (Tough Love)



Our system included lots of trash bags, a box for each girl, a giveaway section, and an assembly line of toting the items down the stairs. Sweat, dirt, laughter, and tons of memories poured through us. The event made me laugh and rejoice at the same time at our huge success. I’m so proud of being able to throw away and give away.

FYI we did not take one item back up those stairs!

Have you ever joyfully cleared out the old? It’s cleansing. Try it.






  1. Lori Smanski

    good for you all. that sounds like an emotional day. mom was a saver. with five kiddos and her penchant for saving everything, when she died, my sister and I felt overwhelmed. we decided to spend three hours in the morning, eat lunch over an hour and relax, then spend four more hours. we had the same. a box for each of us kids, boxes for giving away, and trash bags. we made sure to give something to all the grandkids also. five days. then we went through all her clothes, that was another two days. then one day in the kitchen and another two day in her sewing/craft room. we spent a few hours one evening with dad and moms jewelry. again, we gave something to my sister, myself, and our two daughters. that was a very tough and emotional month

  2. Carole Johnson

    My attic is such a mess! I keep putting it off until cooler weather . . . haha. I’m sure my son would not like to inherit the job when I’m gone.

    • Devonne Walker

      I’ll bet there were treasures in that attic. Did I see Nancy and Ronald Reagan paper dolls??? What was that? 😅

      • Marguerite

        Yes you did! One of the many treasures! I mean, how many people own those paper dolls? How many would want to? Not many!

    • Marguerite

      One reason we are doing it now is so we won’t have to later when someone is gone!!! It’s fun!

  3. Katie

    Wow! This looks like it was true fun! Im sad I missed it!!!

    Love you all, and I can’t wait to go in the attic now!

    • Marguerite

      Yes, it will be nice if you want to get away from everyone at Thanksgiving.


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