Summer TBR Hopefuls!

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

I find more time in the summer to read. How about you? It’s hot outside which sends me to my favorite chair with a cold drink and a book.

Here are the next six books in my To Be Read (TBR) stack. I’ve been staring at them for a while.

Have you read any of the Timeless series? For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer weaves two times together for a unique experience—1692 and 1912. Wow!  Another historical read is Perilous Journey by a new-to-me author, Paulette D. Marshall. I love time traveling novels—this one goes back to 1875.




Revived Hope by a favorite author Kathleen J. Robison is a contemporary prelude to the Bay Town Series. This is a romantic suspense. Finally, I am returning to Carolyn Miller’s Daughters of Aynsley series with Book 3, Misleading Miss Verity. I’ll love the journey to 1820 Bath.




Fleur de Lis by Sarah M. Eden is book three in The Gents. I’ve read the first two and anticipate this 1787 journey to Derbyshire. Before my pending trip to England, I am reading The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley. Oh, to travel to the Cornish coast again with a beloved author.


What do you have in your TBR stack? Happy Reading.


  1. Carole Johnson

    I’ve read ‘For a Lifetime’ and ‘The Rose Garden’. Both are great books! ‘The Rose Garden’ is one of my favorites by Susanna Kearsley. I’ve read it several times since it released in 2011. It’s a ‘must read’.

    Happy summer!

    • Marguerite

      I’m tempted to save the Rose Garden until we are in England….


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