Seize the Day

by | Oct 10, 2024 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

As the days grow shorter, summer and daylight dwindle. Do you enjoy the advance of winter? The shorter days and dark nights? With fewer hours of light, we must work while the light shines. We are no longer in the realm of long days, brilliant sunshine, and days of leisure.

“We must work the works of Him who sent us while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.” John 9:4

This reminds me that I must take the opportunities that God gives me to do His work in His time and purpose. I never know when the time will run out for working alongside others to complete a mission. A door could close forever on certain projects.

So, I’m recommitting to seize the day and make the best of the time I have to work diligently on the tasks God gives. I’m not guaranteed long, summer days to be at leisure in the bright, warm hours. I must work where I am for as long as God deems appropriate.

1 Comment

  1. Katie

    Beautiful, we don’t know how long health and energy will last. You do very well taking advantage of your time!


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