It seems like Advent came so quickly this year. I love the weeks of celebration and anticipation of Christ’s birth. Do you do anything to focus on the meaning of Christmas? I try to circle back to the purpose of Advent a few times a day.
I have a few reminders:
- Advent wreath on a focal table—the greenery, candles offer peace and light
- An Advent book In the Manger by Max Lucado—daily reading centering on Christ
- An Advent poster on the refrigerator—a daily focus. Today’s suggestion is “Take some time for solitude and silence each day of this Advent season.
What do you have to remind you of the reason for the season?
We have the advent candle wreath.
I have a whole bunch of Nativities around the house & I keep my Irish nativity up all year round because we should remember the Nativity all year & all the time