My word for 2025 is ALTER. I want to change and grow in all areas of my life
Other words accompany the meaning of alter such as change, transform, and reform.
This is my scripture verse of the year. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2
Being open to alteration and change can be really hard. What will it bring? Challenges and uncertainty? But with God with me every step of the way, the way can lead to growth and hope. I want to seek God’s plan for my life.
This year I can ALTER:
- The way I listen
- The way I speak
- The way I pray and study
- The way I judge
- The way I observe nature
- The way I give
- The way I serve
- The way I eat
- The way I exercise
- The way I spend my time
- The way I spend my money
- The way I complain
Do you have a word or a scripture for 2025? Please share.
Happy New Year
Fantastic post! I suppose my word would be ‘grow.’
2 Peter 3:17-18